Challenge: “One of my employees has been back from parental leave for a month. She is breastfeeding her baby and needs to take breaks during the day to pump breast milk. She takes three breaks per day for about 30 minutes each time. When she is on break, her coworkers...
Overview Caregiver discrimination, also called Family Responsibilities Discrimination (FRD), is discrimination against employees because they care for family members. Caregiving employees include mothers and fathers of young children, pregnant and lactating employees,...
Sometimes it is easy to know if family responsibilities discrimination lurks in your workplace: the company has been sued for pregnancy discrimination or FMLA retaliation or interference with lactation accommodations. Most times, though, it isn’t easy....
Family responsibilities discrimination rarely springs from spite and malice. Almost always, as I am quick to point out in FRD prevention trainings, supervisors are trying to do the right thing for their companies and even for their employees when they cross the line...
Almost two decades ago, employers began adopting policies that provided paid parental leave to “primary caregivers” and “secondary caregivers.” The policies were an attempt to be more inclusive by providing leave benefits to non-birth parents while at the same time...