What We Do & How We Help

Your Partner for Managing Pregnant, Parenting, and Caregiving Employees

At Work+Family Insight, we work with Management, HR, and Legal to identify obstacles and opportunities and implement research-based solutions designed for today’s workforce.

In short, we help minimize legal risks and maximize employee engagement and productivity. 

Want to learn more? Get in touch with us today to discover what Work+Family Insight can do for you.

Work+Family Insight - Key Laws for Pregnant Parenting and Caregiving Employees

Examples of How We Help

Every firm is unique, as are its specific needs when it comes to managing caregiving employees. Here are some of the ways Work+Family Insight helps:

Briefings for your HR and Legal teams about compliance issues

Policy reviews for your family and parental leave, pregnancy accommodation, lactation, and flexible work programs

Practical tools to create a supportive environment for pregnant, parenting, and caregiving employees that will lead to greater retention and easier recruiting

Trainings about the unconscious biases that can cause discrimination and hostile work environments, and tools for reducing the impact of bias

Assessment of your organization’s current effectiveness in managing pregnant, parenting, and caregiving employees

Design and Implementation of initiatives to reduce caregiver bias and support caregiving employees

You choose only the services your organization needs, and you choose our level of involvement – from hands-off adviser who guides you in implementing a program yourself to hands-on consultant and trainer who does the work for you, or something in between.

You control expenses.  Most of our services are provided on a flat-fee basis, so you know the cost up front.  Want to start small, choose a few services, and see how it goes?  No problem.  Want to design a full compliance and retention program and save money by bundling services?  We can do that, too.

Your satisfaction is always guaranteed.

If all you need right now are some quick, low-cost answers, schedule a time to Ask Cynthia.

Our Expertise

Our expertise complements and expands retention and engagement initiatives, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging programs, inter-generational team building, and employee wellness programs.

We partner with other experts and consultants to provide complete, seamless solutions to employers’ most vexing personnel problems.

Let’s talk about how you can work better with your caregiving employees.

Workforce 21C is now Work+Family Insight.